Pregnancy and postpartum

Even before your babies enter the outside world, you are already thinking and preparing and planning. You may feel like you’ve been planning since before they were conceived or you may feel totally unprepared. And everything may be different when they arrive. Becoming a parent through pregnancy and childbirth is obviously a huge physical change — it’s also a huge psychological change regardless of how you do it. Postpartum depression and anxiety are very common - in both moms and dads, and a lot of these strong feelings start to surface during pregnancy. If you’re worried that these feelings are interfering with how you’re coping, therapy may be able to help.

Working with me may be a good fit if you or your partner…

  • have a high-risk pregnancy

  • are pregnant with twins or multiples

  • have experienced infertility or miscarriage

  • have experienced birth trauma

  • are feeling depressed or anxious

  • don’t feel connected to your newborn(s) or you have ambivalent feelings towards your baby/babies

  • have a baby/babies with special needs

  • need to share your birth story

Please contact me for more information or to see if working with me would be the right fit for you.